Monday, August 20, 2007

It's official: The Dutchy is Grand

Well, we are back in Brussels, after a wonderful weekend away (wonderful except for the fact that I got sick...but more on that in a moment). Today's post will feature a new addition to my typical posting format. Anything set in quotation marks and indented as if a block quote (and in a different color) will be things that Jill has required that I mention. In the future, I might play with this feature, to include things that I would guess that Jill would want me to mention, but for today, you can all rest assured that she has indeed weighed in on what I must say if I include certain pictures. And so...on with it...

Milo about to be backed over by me in our rental car. here's The Dude in his rental carseat.

"Reek, you have to tell everyone that they make infant carriers in Europe that allow for more weight than the ones in North America and that while he was stretching the limits, he was just barely within the regulations of this seat."

Here's a picture of us on our bike trip along the Meuse River between Namur and Dinant (still in Belgium...this trip was cut short because of a late start and then Jill's rear derailleur broke, causing us to return to the bike rental place before starting out again...nevertheless it was a great day and Jill proclaimed that it was her "favorite bike ride ever". Sorry, seeing as how she is Canadian, that probably should have been "favourite bike ride ever." But then, considering that she is an American citizen too and has been living and going to school in the States for a while now, maybe I was right originally...).

"Reek, it's obviously favourite. Duh. Also, you have to tell everyone that we searched everywhere for a bike helmet for Milo, but could not get one, because NOBODY here likes to wear them. Also, make sure to tell them that you rode very carefully, did not drink a beer while riding with Milo, and we avoided streets almost entirely."

While he seemed to love the experience, Milo did eventually grow bored with the scenery.

First morning in Luxembourg City...Milo woke up to find out that we had picked the !!Besthotelroomever!! (right next to the train station, which doubles as the bus depot...and he really LOVES buses...and trains. The entire time we were in our room, Milo stood on the chair and pointed at the busses (and trains when he managed to spot one off in the distance) and said ehe?...the sound he normally makes when he wants us to pay attention).

Milo giving Snowy, his present from the Tintin shop, a kiss.

"Okay, Reek, you can use this photo if you make sure to mention that 1) it's just after waking up 2) that's a vitamin mark on Milo's shirt 3) I know his hair is gross, but it's because a) we had to use sunscreen to cover his cowlicks because he wouldn't keep his hat on and b) it's really difficult to wash his hair thoroughly and not get his stitches wet."

Milo on one of the bridges spanning one of the gorges surrounding Luxembourg City.

One of the gorges surrounding Luxembourg City.

People partially down in the gorge.

Milo strutting around.

Okay...we know Milo is beginning to look like a dirtball, what with the mullet forming back there, but we can't bring ourselves to cut his hair out of fear that he'll lose his curly locks...besides, maybe Milo's really a hipster and is sporting an ironic mullet (bullet since he's still a baby), and combining that with an ancient Egyptian eye shadow look.

Milo was not very happy when we put him back in the stroller.

The following few pics are of our journey down into the gorge, which contains a huge park and an old neighborhood with bars and shops and fun stuff (yes, that is indeed an official travelog term).

We happened to locate the headquarters of Luxembourg's Adamo Team

Milo in his stroller just before taking an elevator back up from the gorge to the city

A view from a pedestrian walk which has oft been referred to as "Europe's finest balcony"

Before our dinner in the park.

So, we're all packed into the car and off to Echternach. The original plan was to visit the town (making sure to check out the 7th century crypt in the town's abbey) and then head out on a hike into the forests surrounding the town (into the heart of the Muellerthal region), BUT I woke up with a horrible bug of some sort - horrible headache and stomach flu-like symptoms. So, regretfully we canceled the hike. Instead, we drove into Germany for a bit and then continued on to Vianden, to visit its impressive castle.

The above two photos are from Echternach...the first one is during Milo and Jill's lunch (I slept on the ground next to them and stirred long enough to capture the photo), and the second was taken as we were walking through town.

Le Chateau de Vianden

The cellar has been converted into an actual functional tavern (not all the time, just for certain events). How cool would it be to drink liter beers in that place?

On our way out we got stuck in a downpour

Fog creeping out of the hills after the rain

After leaving the castle, we drove back to Brussels, arriving safe and sound...I slept off my sickness and felt much better today, though a bit of it is still lingering. We had planned to return to Bruges and to visit Ghent this week, but it's forecasted to rain the entire week, so Jill may be off to do her work alone while Milo and I remain here in Brussels awaiting periods of sunlight, when we can rush to the park. We shall see...

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