Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Checked myLos into urgencie, urgently

So, on the way to the emergency room this evening, Jill and I were discussing whether The Unicorns' (R.I.P.) lyric in Jellybones:

Checked myself into emergency, urgently.

would sound better had they been visiting a French emergency room, because then it would have been:

Checked myself into urgencie, urgently.

Seeing as how The Unicorns, when they were alive and kicking, were based out of Montreal, a French spin would not have been inconceivable. Anyway…on to why we urgently checked Milo into the urgencie:

Just who was this bully who busted Milo's eye open, you ask? None other than his new buddy, Mr. Windowsill:

I swear the windowsill doesn't look as gross in person. That grimy look isn't even dirt, it's the texture of the surface.

We were all in the kitchen. Jill and I were fixing dinner (penne with a vegetablely red sauce) and Milo was playing with his toy Snuffalupagus. I saw him stumble and catch his brow on the edge of the sill. It wasn't sliced at all...much more like a blunt, boxing cut. Anyway...Jill picked him up, said he's bleeding, and shoved him in my arms. After stopping the bleeding we found the nearest hospital, took him there (about 3 blocks) and were sent to the public hospital. We had virtually no wait. We were ushered into the examination room, the surgeon came down, they threatened to gas Milo, deciding instead on a local numbing shot, gave Milo the shot, then three stitches, we paid our 150 Euros, and were out of there and home cooking again by 9:15. After eating some yogurt, cheddar cheese, and smashing his banana in his hands:

Milo returned to good spirits.

So, what else have we been up to aside from visiting emergency rooms? Well we unsuccessfully tried to find presents for various people, revisited the Grand Place:

Above is the Brewers' guild house.

Milo briefly napped in his stroller while Jill and I scarfed down some gaufres and cappuccinos, while watching the kid in the background play kick the can with his very nimble grandmother:

and Milo threw a fit in the park because we wouldn't let him play in the mud and prickly bushes:

Yesterday we took a day trip to Antwerp to visit the Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen. I actually got to walk through the museum while Jill took photos of what pertains to her research (Milo amazingly slept the entire time we were in the Museum). The following are some pics from our trip:

Train to Antwerp (notice the pains au chocolat in the bag just waiting to be devoured, yum!):

Antwerp’s train station mit Milo:

Minus Milo:

The Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen:

Milo loving his strawberry milk (even though it might not look as if he is liking it, believe me, he definitely is):


The Dude:

Die Antwerpener Liebfrauenkathedrale:

Guild houses:

Milo chasing Pigeons and sitting outside the Antwerpener Liebfrauenkathedrale:

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