Thursday, June 01, 2006

Baby Acne!

I’ve been putting this blog entry off for some time now. I mean, how am I ever going to live up to the hype surrounding my Swarthy Lothario pic?

I can't…so I’ll just move on, as if nothing ever happened.

The real reason I haven’t posted: I was in Florida visiting my family and upon my return, I got super sick. I can’t even hold Milo (I’ll get to him in a bit), cause we want to avoid him getting a cold. Anyway, here are a couple of family pics from my trip to Florida:

My grandmother is in the middle and my dad is over her left shoulder. The rest of the people are my dad’s siblings (all nine of my grandmother's kids were able to make it down).

The following is a picture of me and a few of my cousins (there are many, many more who weren’t able to get to Florida...oh, and we're supposed to be showing our moose ears, but it doesn't look like very many people managed to bust theirs out):

And here is the walk from our hotel to the ocean:

I must admit, it was strange being away from Jill and Milo for so long. Prior to this trip, the longest I’d been away was maybe a short dash to the grocery store or something. Plus, in the time that I was away, Milo started making all these cute little baby noises (coos and the like…no, Bonnie, I'm not talking about big dairy-producing barnyard-animals). But as strange as it was for me, it must have been even more peculiar for Jill, as she kept sending me pictures like this one:

…with an email that said, “Please come home. Don’t you miss us?”

(No she didn’t. She and Milo had a wonderful weekend with Grandma Bogart, and I thank each of them for allowing me to spend some time with my grandmother and the rest of my family who made the trip).

Stop!…Milo time!:

So last Wednesday (May 24), Milo turned 1 month old and on Thursday he had his 1 month checkup where he weighed in at 12lbs! Exciting news, I know. Well, here are some pics. If he appears a little zitty in some of them, well, that's because he is zitty. Like, really zitty. But, apparently it is normal and quite common for his age.

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