Monday, May 08, 2006

10 lbs!!!

That means he's gained 7 ounces since last Tuesday and is now 5 ounces above his birth weight. I feel compelled, though, to mention that the results of this weigh-in are to be classified as unofficial. While I contemplated making an appointment with his pediatrician just to see if Milo was still gaining weight, I decided to resist my urge to take advantage of this month's free health care. I did, however, buy a scale so that we could periodically check his weight gain (while it looks as though we are torturing Milo above, I assure you we are simply weighing him). This is all spurred by the fact that Milo is finally breastfeeding exclusively. We no longer need to feed him bottles of Jill's pumped breast milk (slow learner he may be, but he is finally figuring out the whole nursing thing).

Okay...what else? Oh, Milo is now 2 weeks old. Here's his official 2-week-old photo entitled Mr. Cheeks (truthfully, this pic might be from the other day; so, let's just make this unofficial as well):

Well, I was going to complain about Milo's umbilical cord stump, but I'm tired. So, I think I'll leave that for tomorrow. Instead, I'll just post some more pics:

(I'm not hiding; I'm actually adjusting my glasses).

Pensive Milo:

Proof Jill and I are tired:

What to look forward to:
Post about the uber grossness of umbilical cord stumps, the coming visit of Grandma Kate, Grandalf the Grey, and Auntie Irishprincesslyss, pics of the Zeldhead, and ummm...more pics of Milo.

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