Wednesday, February 15, 2006

First Ultrasound - 9/20/2005

Early on, Jill and I were having a lot of trouble believing that she was indeed pregnant. It wasn't really until she went to get her first ultrasound done that Jill finally stopped thinking the doctor was lying to her. I, however, could not make it to the appointment (I had a job interview), and therefore, continued to disbelieve both Jill and the doctor.

What you see to the left is the only real evidence that I had as a basis for my theoretical belief. To me, though, it doesn't look convincingly like a baby. Moreover, how do I know Jill didn't steal someone else's ultrasound? I hadn't heard a heartbeat, hadn't seen it move around on the screen, hadn't felt it jump...and...she still hadn't really begun to gain weight. So, nope, I wasn't believin' it. Not yet, at least.

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