Sunday, February 26, 2006

New Baby Pics

If only Milo could be that cute. It still seems a little early to tell, but here's a new pic of him in utero. I'll let you formulate your own answers.

I don't know...does it look like he's growing out of that Linn nose??

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

29 weeks??

Here's a pic of Jill from around the 13th of Feb, which would make her almost 29 weeks in it.

Oh, and just to show you that the hoob and I are still alive, here's one of us. We're at Schenely park, just after a Monday morning hike.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


This is from the ultrasound done on the 6th of December. Besides all the normal checking and measuring, we also found out that it is a he (sorry no visual evidence provided here...please take our word for it. If you really need further proof, you can sign up for diaper changing duties once little Milo arrives).

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Early Pregnancy

So...until I ask around for pics from Mel's or Des' weddings, we unfortunately don't have any visual evidence of Jill from her early pregnancy. The following is about as good as it gets:

Pretty sweet, eh? Notice how cool my hair looks. That must've been a really good hair day. Now, I don't think my hair had gotten that long until about Christmas. And, I also think I got that zip-up for Christmas. So, Jill must have done this drawing sometime in late December.

Even though it's not a really early example of us, it's still from before Jill really started to show...if you look closely, though, you can see a bit of a bump forming in Jill's tummy region (and this time it's not from eating too many bowls of ice cream).

First Ultrasound - 9/20/2005

Early on, Jill and I were having a lot of trouble believing that she was indeed pregnant. It wasn't really until she went to get her first ultrasound done that Jill finally stopped thinking the doctor was lying to her. I, however, could not make it to the appointment (I had a job interview), and therefore, continued to disbelieve both Jill and the doctor.

What you see to the left is the only real evidence that I had as a basis for my theoretical belief. To me, though, it doesn't look convincingly like a baby. Moreover, how do I know Jill didn't steal someone else's ultrasound? I hadn't heard a heartbeat, hadn't seen it move around on the screen, hadn't felt it jump...and...she still hadn't really begun to gain weight. So, nope, I wasn't believin' it. Not yet, at least.



Well, if nothing else, Jill and I are both really good at procrastinating. Right after we found out she was pregnant, way back in early September, we decided that we would put together a babyblog. Fast forward over 5 months (two ultrasounds, five doctor appointments), and here we are…finally starting this blog. Jill will, supposedly, be contributing more than various pictures of her mug, tum and uterus to this endeavor.

So, should you suddenly find something witty (possibly smugly written) on here, it means Jill garnered enough motivation to log in and figure out how to post. (If this has indeed happened, my guess is that this post is no longer here…keep checking back until you see most of what I’ve already written suddenly either edited or gone). Anyway…enough already…nobody’s here to read this much (is anyone really out there?).

On to the pics!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hey Jill... look pregnant!