Tuesday, October 31, 2006

So it's Hallosween

Since Patrick has so much free time (oh, wait...), and has recently discovered the joys of video editing, he decided to make this little Hallowe'en montage. He left it uploading when he went to class, so a sleepless Milo and I decided to post it for him. Right now our neighbourhood is full of the happy shrieks of trick-or-treaters and I am fighting the urge to use Milo for some selfish candy gathering.

Warning: this video includes some very scary images, and may not be suitable for young children or Democrats.

Cereal is good for you

So...Milo turned 6 months old last week. As a result, he is now beginning to eat solid food. I thought I'd post a little video from his breakfast the other day. Pics will follow shortly, including pics from when we visited trax farm - a farm/corn maze/pumpkin patch. For now, enjoy Milo eating some rice cereal:

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Here's an uberdorky (and by uberdorky I mean superuberdorky) movie I put together. It's the same video from the previous post, spliced up and with music. The content is repeated in places, but I didn't have much video to work with. Anyway...the song's Brainville by the Flaming Lips.

Video Test

Here's a video of Milo hanging out. It's not very exciting, but I've been wanting to add short videos on here...so, i'm using this as a test run. I might play with a few different ways of doing this, until I finally like one of the methods best...anyway, click on the picture of Milo to enjoy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October Pictures

On to October. And oh, what a lovely month it is. The leaves turn color, the air grows crisp, and days are spent drinking mugs of hot apple cider while nibbling on apples or visiting a pumpkin patch (did I mention my birthday is on the 22nd??? Gifts are welcomed...monetary gifts are preferred, but any old selection from one of my various and sundry wishlists is also adequate).

On to other, less important, things. Let's see...I was excited about something else...hmmm...maybe it's cause I'm...

All caught up!


Okay...so, all of you who are utterly dismayed by any future or prior absence of my smart, witty, sometimes facetious banter should skip down to the entry entitled UPDATE!!! for an explanation. Everyone else, feel free to begin browsing the recent photos of Milo:

Touques and gloves need trying on too (okay, so we were really just amused at how silly he looked...hopefully he doesn't develop a desire to be a boxer because of these

Fat baby in a little sweater

Swinging at Schenely (I had just gotten done running...hence my lame outfit)

A little Gamecube action going on...okay, so all he could do was chew on the controller...but that's a start

More blanket fun

September Pics

Below you'll find a few random pictures from the month of September. I must say, though, that this feels so...uhh...depersonalized. I wish I had the time to add more commentary (work's calling...must be up in 4 and 1/2 hours...still need to finish an assignment...ugh).

Baker boy?

Milo luvs his babylegs (yes he spells it that way...we're working on it)

They've yet to fight over hoobs' bone...but that may be because Milo isn't so good at moving around yet

Training for college

We were hoping for an early snowstorm...I'm afraid we didn't get one, though

Okay, so Milo's favorite game right now seems to be covering his face with a blanket and then squeeling. It's pretty funny, actually (as long as we keep him away from plastic bags)

August Pics

Here are some pics from the end of August (taken after having returned home to the 'burgh):


While in Indiana, we had a little, informal photoshoot to try to get some pics of Milo that we could print. The following are a few of those pics...

I have no clue where his neck went in this last one.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Jill's pregnant again!!!

Just kidding. I needed something big to bring me out of slumber, though, and failing to find that je ne sais qua, I figured I'd just make it up. Anyway...

I know, an update is long overdue. Believe me, it's been weighing on my mind, incessantly. I'm not going to make any excuses, though...I think it more prudent to just get on with it. Before getting to recent pics of the Los, though, a little catching up is necessary. I must warn you all, however…if you've come here for my witty commentary, words of wisdom or anything of that nature, you're bound to be disappointed. In light of how busy our lives have become recently, I've decided to switch gears with this whole blog thing. From now on, I'll simply be posting pics of Milo with only a few necessary words. So, on with the show...

I left off with our departure from Ontario. Before we arrived in Pittsburgh, we took a trip to Elkhart to visit Grandma Kate, Grandalf and Auntie Lys. The following few pictures are from our drive down (hoobs) and our stay in northern Indiana:

Das Hoobs

A meeting of the minds during a nuclear flash (nuculur in Indiana)


Grandalf and Milo

Auntie Lyss and Los

The Aunties (great aunties mostly) minus one

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

On the Road Again

After I finished my triathlon (and during the ensuing flu I caught), it was finally time to leave Ontario. I captured a final sunrise (only Milo can get me up so early):

Milo contemplated life while taking in one of his final views from the front veranda:

We made a stop in Guelph to bid our farewells to Grandma:

And then, we were off:

Sadly, for us, summer fun has come and gone. We only have a short visit in Elkhart and then it’s back to the ‘burgh to test out our school schedules against Milo’s temperament.

More to come when we return stateside.