Sunday, March 29, 2009

almost poisson d'avril

April is shaping up to be a pretty big month around the Gavin/Bogart household. On Tuesday, April 7, we're heading up to Ontario for a short trip. I'll be visiting programs that week as a part of my decision-making process. Come Wednesday April 8, Esme will be 3 months old. Less than a week later, on the 13th, Jill will turn 32. I want to have my decision about school made by the 15th. Once that is done, we can begin making plans for the move (get student visa, find apartment, reserve moving truck, figure out citizenship/healthcare for Milo and Esme, make arrangements to sell the scion, donate/do something with the protege, ..., ...). But, more importantly for some little kid around here, April 24th is Milo's 3rd b-day. Unlike last year, he's well-aware of the fact that his b-day is approaching and he's been to enough b-day parties in the past year to understand what normally happens. Jill was stressing out about what to do for his party until she finally asked him what he wants to do. His answer: "go to his favorite park with his friends to play and have ice cream." Sweet. Little work and low stress.

Enough, though, about things-to-come...on to those having already been finished and documented:

Esme, circa 2 months old

Esme, just over 2 months old

Milo and Esme's uncle Corey and Aunt Alyssa came out recently for a visit. We didn't do much aside from playing Wii and taking a couple of short excursions, but it was good to have them nevertheless. A few photos from what was nearly a disasterous trip to the beach (Jill saved us from a MiloMeltdown by getting him into throwing rocks into the tide pools):

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tossing rocks

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Just the other day, Jill and I were noticing that we didn't have much in the way of recent photos of Esme (meaning, we don't have a photo of her from every day as we do for for Milo - our external hard drive has crashed and although I'm a librarian who specialized in preservation management and have repeatedly argued for the need for back-ups of digital files, I haven't been so diligent with our own files). Anyway...we decided to snap a couple candids:

...shot a few of her hanging out in her chair with her bunny doudou:




...and then, trying to get Milo some riding time in on his trike, we took Milo and Esme to the West Haven Boardwalk:





Milo channeling his inner David Hasselhoff (I'm still dissapointed that Milo's first words were not David Hasselhoff...I spent many an hour saying Ha-ssel-hoff, Ha-ssel-hoff, Ha-ssel-hoff to him to no avail, apparently):



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Alright...that's it for now. I'll try to not allow 2 months to slip by before my next post. Cheers and cross your fingers for York and Queen's!

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