Tuesday, December 09, 2008

It's been 1 year and three months

...since my last confession...err...post on li'lmilog.

I don't have any excuses. Not any good ones at least.

Well, actually, I'll float a couple (in no particular order) and let you decide on whether they're adequate excuses (did you really think I'd just admit fault without claiming mitigating circumstances?):
  • Milo's turned into a toddler
  • We moved
  • I work full-time and still try to do academic stuff in the evening
  • I try to maintain some semblance of a relationship with Jill (she might not attest to this)
  • I broke down and joined netflix
  • I spend way too much time browsing around the interwebs, which includes, among other things: reading endless articles, op-eds, and blog posts (e.g., The Wild Side, Think Again, and BITS) on the NYTimes site; listening to TED talks; listening to/watching Democracy Now!, reading the great pieces on Media Matters, and stalking my friends on facebook.
  • I try to help maintain Jill's blog: doodleandhoob.com, post photos to our flickr site, maintain SHUmanities, and maintain the Sacred Heart Library blog.
Excuses, excuses...I know. Well, Jill and I have decided that we need to stop making excuses and revive this old space. Why? If you don't already know, I'll let a couple of pictures do the talking (I've said plenty already):

This picture of Jill in pajamas will probably earn me much adoration

Should I mention that when Jill saw this pic she said, "Here I was thinking all day that my scarf was covering up the fact that I'm pregnant"?

Esme Bogart Gavin. Milo's baby sister, whom he has dubbed Purple (her superhero name, he says).

So yeah...we have a baby girl on the way. She is due January 6, 2009. So far, Milo's been pretty excited about this development (we'll see how excited he is in February). Jill and I are happy, of course, but we've been entirely too unapreciative of the fact that "the day" is quickly approaching. Anyway...more to come, including updates on Milo, Zelda, and our lives in Connecticut.

Before I go, though, I'd like to say that all of us here at li'l milog would like to say congratulations to Mel and Jeremy who welcomed Sylvia Rose Ballert into the world about a month ago (early), and to Ryan and Katie who welcomed the Stults Baby (Evelyn Rose Stults, that is) into the world a couple of days ago. If only Katie could have held out for a couple of weeks...we could have planned synchronized birthings. Oh well...fair enough, I guess.

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