Sunday, February 08, 2009

1 Month...iversary

I have to begin this post with a bit of a confession: I feel a bit guilty, but I don't have very many new picturs of Esme. Jill and I were talking this afternoon about this, trying to figure out the difference between Esme's first month of life and Milo's (difference with regard to photos). I've decided that the difference in number of pictures has nothing to do with the fact that she's the second and everything to do with:

  • Milo was born after Jill and I were done with the semester and we had nothing to do but take pictures...whereas poor Esme has to suffer most days without me

  • We dislike our apartment so much that we don't like taking pictures in it

  • I never have fully-charged batteries for the external flash

  • We have cable here and Lost, 24, the Office, and 30 Rock are all in season (oh, and we've also become addicted to Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother)

  • We have Netflix

There have been a few photos of her and Milo taken in the past month, though. First, for those of you without Facebook (or those of you who missed the posting of these there), here are a few older photos:

What else? Well, we went for a walk today and I managed to take a few shots. It was a good time, though we didn't actually make it too far (Milo doesn't actually walk when we're out walking).

Recently, he has become obsessed with footprints:

Not only did he point to every footprint:

...but he also demanded to have a long and thorough discussion concerning who/what made the footprint. While I think he was hoping to find a triceratops print:

he was forced to settle for my/Jill's/some other random person's/or some dog's footprint:

Why the obsession with triceratops? Not sure...why does any little kid want to be a paleontologist? And he does want to be a paleontologist. When asked the other day what job he wants when he grows up, Milo didn't hesitate before proclaiming, "I want to dig for dinosaur bones."

And a day later (Saturday night), Milo got to see some of those dinosaur bones up close and personal. Jill, through her meet-up group, got us all reduced tickets to
A Night at the Peabody at the Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History. Jealous, dad? Milo's favorite thing about the evening (aside from 1) the blow-up tunnel/slide, 2) the cookies, 3) staying out past his bedtime, and 4) seeing a triceratops skull) had to be the infamous Apatosaurus/"Brontosaurus" (See the coverage of the persistance of brontosaurus in wikipedia. Stephen Jay Gould's Bully for Brontosaurus is now on my wish list):

But...back to our walk. When Milo wasn't looking for/at footprints, he busied himself by...

Looking cute:


Playing with Sticks:

Or, looking at his reflection:

(I overexposed the one above when I took it and decided to blow it out as far as I could to see what it might look like)

Jill and Esme were around too, but how many pictures of a hidden blob can one take?:

I did manage to get a couple of shots of Esme after we put Milo to bed tonight:

That's it's bedtime (well past, actually). Check back for more updates soon. Cheers!

(Happy B-day, Ryan)