Tuesday, August 15, 2006

On the Road Again

After I finished my triathlon (and during the ensuing flu I caught), it was finally time to leave Ontario. I captured a final sunrise (only Milo can get me up so early):

Milo contemplated life while taking in one of his final views from the front veranda:

We made a stop in Guelph to bid our farewells to Grandma:

And then, we were off:

Sadly, for us, summer fun has come and gone. We only have a short visit in Elkhart and then it’s back to the ‘burgh to test out our school schedules against Milo’s temperament.

More to come when we return stateside.

Summer Fun

It’s so sad that the summer is already coming to a close. Milo’s first summer at the cottage was great, but time flew by waaaaaay too fast. It felt as if we’d just gotten here and then all of the sudden we’re packing to visit my parents in Indiana. As sad as it may be, I should do a bit of a photo-history of our time in Muskoka (with commentary of course).

Let’s see…where to begin??? Oh I guess I should begin with Shannon. ShaCam, as she refers to herself, took a bit of vacation to come for her yearly stay with us. Here we were thinking she was coming to hang out with us or visit with the Los…but no…she really came for Camp DDR. I must say though, that in between sessions on the dance pads, she did try her hand at holding Milo:

Baby crying in Shannon’s arms? Would you expect anything different? Take two didn’t turn out much better.

Can anyone say BOREDBABY? In all seriousness, though, Shannon and Milo got on wonderfully (we just don't have pictorial evidence), and as usual, it was great having her up. Des, Andrew, and Kiwi also came for a visit, but unfortunately I didn’t get any pics of them. I’m hoping they got a pic or two and can forward them to me…we shall see.

Milo also added professional chewer to his list of baby skills. For example…Jolly Jumper:

Neener, neener, neener, it’s Little Jeero:

It didn’t matter; he was (and still is, to be honest) fairly indiscriminate as to what went in his mouth.

Anyway…here are a few more photos from Summer 2006:

Milo reading from his first YA novel

Turning pages

Me and Milo post Milo’s first cocktail party

Milo and Sneezy…the Conanstyle staredown

MandS…friends at last

Jill and Milo with the Seguin

Zelda with Seguin

Heat wave!

Milo with cousin Claire

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oh, Say Can You See

There’s no way Grandalf and Grandma Kate would've allowed us to get away with helping Milo celebrate Canada Day and not paying homage to the Fourth of July. I think Grandalf and Grandma Kate would have been sorely disappointed with us had that been the case. So…here’s Milo’s nod to Independence Day:

Oh, and since Francis Scott Key penned the Star Spangled Banner aboard a ship (albeit in a semi-detained state), it's only fitting that Milo take his first boat ride on the Fourth of July

Close-up on the chubby cheeks:

It’s Canada Day up Canada Way

…on the first day of July.

Since it’s Milo’s first Canada Day and we’re up here in beautiful Muskoka, we figured we should do a bit of celebrating. Most parents seem to commemorate holidays by dressing their kids up in all kinds of crazy paraphernalia (that way they avoid looking like idiots, yet still appear festive). Well, seeing as how I’m all anti-nationalism because of it’s morphability into some sort of jingoistic fanatical nationalism, we decided to play it simple and stick to a tee-shirt. So, here’s Milo looking about as nationalistic as he will while we’re still dressing him:

And we’re shouting hooray up Canada Way when the maple leaf flies high...

Obligatory shots with the parents (notice how I’m the one drinking a good Canadian beer):

Everybody Refresh

I admit, updates this summer have been, well, uhhh, nonexistent. I wanted to post from the cottage, I really did, but I could not make myself wait for a pic to upload on dial-up. Okay, so here’s our (our meaning anyone who still may be reading this) plan: we are all going to pretend as if our browsers were bringing up an old version of the page and we neglected to hit refresh…all summer. And now that we’ve all corrected our problem and have finally refreshed the page…