Once at the hospital, we were informed that Jill would be constrained to the bed because the doctors feared that the umbilical cord might slip in below Milo. Much of our labor training relied on Jill's ability to move around, so, needless to say, we were a little distressed about this development. Yet Jill still wanted to give it a go without any medication.
Jill pre epidural:

When the doctor again checked Jill's cervix and informed us that she was still not quite six centimeters dilated (here we were hoping she was eight or nine), Jill decided that maybe the prospect of having an epidural sounded pretty good.
Jill post epidural:

Finally, after ten hours of labor (still short for a first birth), Jill pushed all 9lbs 11.4ounces of Milo out and into the world.

Here are a couple more pics from that first day:

More to come...