Thursday, March 16, 2006

Many Thanks!!

We are finally back from our very successful (in terms of baby gear collected and fun had) trip. We started the whole thing off with a long weekend in Elkhart, where my Aunt Weese threw Jill her first baby shower (thank you kindly!). Pictorial evidence:

See, even I was allowed to join in on the fun.

After our time in Elkhart, we drove up to Ontario, where Shannon and Des organized a little luncheon in the half round (with gifts and all), where we made sacrifices and paid tribute to the GreatZebraGodofAllHealthyBabies.

Don't believe me??? Check this out:

We even burned incense over the fire, and Jill led us in some Gregorian-esque chants.

Anyway...on a more serious note...thank you everyone for your generosity. Your kindness and willingness to help means a lot to us (Milo should be the one thanking you...I mean, it's not as if we get to sport all the cool gear - but in his stead we'll do the honors/honours).
